Saturday, November 20, 2010

Keep your home safe and secure

"For happiness one needs security." -Anne Morrow Lindbergh

In the United States, a burglary occurs every 8 seconds. Thieves average 8-12 minutes in your home, searching for valuable items like electronics, money and jewelry. Despite this, the vast majority of burglars are not professional thieves and can be thwarted with a few basic measures.

5 Quick and Easy Crime Deterrents

  1. Neighborhood Watch- Valuable method for sharing information and spreading the word about recurring incidents. Members are also much more likely to be more aware of warning signs that can help prevent crimes. Also, a good way to meet your neighbors.
  2. Security Systems- Helps alert authorities of a break-in and allow response teams to respond quickly. If you can not afford a security system, placing a security company sign in the yard is an effective and economical approach.
  3. Dogs- One of the most effective ways to prevent crimes. Even smaller dogs can be great ways to scare of criminals by barking and alerting trouble (though, I do not think my Yorkie will do the trick, he would run and hide).
  4. Exterior Lighting- Bright lighting near outside entrances prevents most criminals from entering your home. Motion sensors will startle any trespassers and will also alert you by grabbing your attention.
  5. Panic Button- If your car has an alarm, keep your keys handy. The cars alarm is a great way to frighten off someone who is lurking on your property or attempting a break-in.

7 Tips When Away on Vacation:

  1. Leave a TV or Radio on
  2. Have a car parked in the driveway
  3. Give a key to a relative or neighbor instead of under a mat
  4. Leave lights on timers
  5. Make sure stove tops and irons are off
  6. Have neighbors pick up your mail
  7. Hire a house sitter

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